VII. Clean hydrogen from non recyclable waste through SMO (Solaire-MicroOndes) solar process, Active Solera, Cres, Croatia
Testbed Leader: Active Solera Cres, Croatia Director (or representative): Ivana Chaux-Jukic Project Description Development and optimization of a patented SMO Solar Process, an energy autonomous waste processor using exclusively solar thermal energy to transform non-recyclable carbon-based waste into competitively priced Clean Hydrogen and Energy, together with Carbon Products. After construction, the thermolyser and gasifier will be […]
VI. Efficient utilization of WE system in the glass industry, Steklarna Hrastnik, Slovenia

Testbed Leader: Steklarna Hrastnik Cesta 1. maja 14, 1430 Hrastnik, Slovenia Director (or representative): Tilen Sever Project Description Hrastnik1860, as a project partner, will implement a hydrogen pilot for the glass industry by integrating a large-scale PEM water electrolyser and hydrogen storage into an oxyfuel glass furnace. The system will utilize both hydrogen and oxygen generated […]
V. H2 production for cement industry decarbonisation, Alpacem Cement, Anhovo, Slovenia

Testbed Leader: Alpacem Cement Anhovo 1, Anhovo, 5210 Deskle, Slovenia Director (or representative): Sašo Seljak ( Objectives and Project Description This testbed project aims to build a containerized electrolyser ranging from 0.5 to 1 MW, equipped with necessary storage and connections to utilize the produced hydrogen in the transport sector. The current storage and filling […]
IV. Blending mix usage in rolling mill pre-heating furnace for hard to abate industrial application, FENO, FVG, Italy
Testbed Leader: FENO (Ferriere Nord) Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy Director (or representative): Loris Bianco Project Description Industrial validation and implementation, in cooperation with the equipment supplier, of new burners(and relative piping, blending, and control systems) able to use renewable H2 blending with natural gas in reheating furnace of rebars rolling mills, to keep the billets at high […]
III. The scale-up of highly efficiency modular electromechanical compressor, SNAM, FVG, Italy
Testbed Leader: SNAM Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy Director (or representative): Andrea Antenucci ( Project Description The validation of an innovative H2 compressor at TRL 6-8 will be implemented. The project will improve the system CapEx from 7’700 €/kW to 5’600 €/kW, especially for HRS applications, and will test the production plant of green hydrogen in Torviscosa […]
II. Hydrogen utilisation in special steel production and treatment, ABS, Pozzuolo del Friuli, FVG, Italy
Testbed Leader: ABS (Acciaierie Bertoli Safau) Via Buttrio 28, Pozzuolo del Friuli 33050, Italy Director (or representative): Antonio Iaia Project Description Industrial validation and implementation of experimental hydrogen burners to transform steel ingot heat treatment furnaces (typically divided into four control zones fed by a total of eighteen 233kW burners) to achieve effective total decarbonisation, using […]
I. Hydrogen as a partial replacement for natural gas in a kiln of a roof tile producer Dilj, Vinkovci, Croatia

Testbed Leader: DILJ Ciglarska 33, 32100 Vinkovci, Croatia Director (or representative): Krešimir Ižaković ( Objectives and Project Description World’s first on-site hydrogen production installation within tunnel kilns for roof tile production. Complete supply chain from production to consumption of green hydrogen. Safely introduce the benefits of hydrogen to the local community. Entire process is highly […]
Testbeds Catalogue

This Catalogue provides an overview of the industrial initiatives that make part of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV), a Horizon Europe project co-financed by the European Union through the support of the Clean Hydrogen partnership and its members. to the of the NAHV testbed projects. This is a public document that is a part […]