Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydrogen

The NAHV Stakeholder Advisory Forum – NAHV SAF – launches its activities to support the development of a hydrogen ecosystem in the NAHV territories and beyond.

What is SAF and why is it a place to be?

The SAF is one of the consultation bodies of the NAHV project. It is built to collect experiences, views and suggestions from a wide spectrum of stakeholders and to represent their voice according to the principles of the quadruple helix model: researchers, policy authorities, entrepreneurs and civil society. The SAF will include diverse representatives ranging from green hydrogen users, technology experts, industry specialists, policy makers, data providers, citizens and other stakeholders’ communities. They will interact side by side, integrating each other with expertise and experience to provide advice for the effective steering of the NAHV initiative and its activities.

Above all, the NAHV SAF aims to provide strategic advice regarding the overall direction of the project in line with emerging trends and scenarios from science and society, taking into account stakeholders’ priorities and expectations; support the dissemination of the project’s results in their respective institutions, organisations and territories; and provide the voice of the end users and of citizens at glance, as a source of ideas and needs to develop the NAHV’s ecosystem also via surveys and interviews.

The SAF will also provide information, produce and assess written recommendations and solutions to specific areas of application of renewable hydrogen solutions and provide feedback from the field stakeholders.

SAF acts as a “laboratory”, to merge different perspectives and foster a common interest, ensuring vertical and horizontal cooperation and participation during the project lifetime and beyond and facilitating alignment of business cases with stakeholders’ and regional interests. The final goal is to move beyond traditional sectoral thinking in order to achieve the overall and balanced development of an hydrogen ecosystem in the NAHV territories and beyond, also tackling societal challenges related to the deployment of hydrogen technologies and solutions.

How can you get involved?

You can visit the SAF section on the NAHV website to know more and to express your interest in joining this consultation “laboratory” to which you can give your contribution. Here different perspectives will merge and a common interest will be fostered, ensuring cooperation and participation during the project lifetime and beyond.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for diverse representatives from green hydrogen users and experts in the field of technologies for decarbonization along the green hydrogen value chain willing to provide advice for the development of the project.

SAF members will contribute to reach the ambitious goal to move beyond traditional sectoral thinking to achieve the overall sustainable development of a hydrogen ecosystem in the NAHV territories (Slovenia, Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia) and beyond, also tackling today’s challenges such as climate change and unemployment.

Meetings will be organised approximately twice per year, mostly making use of digital platforms to facilitate organization and participation and avoid CO2 emissions.

Contact us at for further details!

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