
HyCentA acts as a focal point and independent information platform for hydrogen-related research and development activities, and it increases the visibility of renewable hydrogen technologies through public relations, scientific publications and demonstration of the technologies in lighthouse projects. The center supports teaching and training at Graz University of Technology to build know-how and scientific excellence.
Together with companies, they implement innovations and accompany technologies from the idea to market maturity. They stand for objective technology research for the holistic optimization of the production, storage, distribution and application of renewable hydrogen in mobility, industry and households. The center develops climate-friendly technologies in connection with hydrogen – from generation by means of electrolysis to application in fuel cells or further processing into synthetic energy carriers.
Expert: Alexander Trattner (Linkedin)

Center for Energy Transition and Education
The Center for Energy Transition and Education (CETE) with its Power to X (P2X) project isn’t solely focused on hydrogen. PtX refers to various technologies that use renewable energy to create different clean energy carriers, with hydrogen being one option. CETE’s Power to X project might be working among other topics on producing clean fuels (this could include hydrogen through electrolysis, but also synthetic fuels (e-fuels) like ammonia or methanol using captured carbon and clean hydrogen). Overall, CETE’s Power to X project is likely dedicated to developing and implementing P2X solutions to achieve a clean energy future by using renewable energy sources.
Established in 2023, Energy Transitions Power to X (ETP2X) is a Croatian consulting firm specializing in EU funding, energy efficiency, and development projects. We leverage the expertise of TETIDA d.o.o., a well-established consultancy with a proven track record since 2007
Website: Link
Expert: Simon Ferjuc (Linkedin)


The Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency was established by the Government of the Republic of Croatia as an operational support to the Ministry of Economy in 2014. The mayor activities of the Agency include: provision of operational support to relevant authorities in the field of hydrocarbons, geothermal water for energy purposes, underground gas storage, carbon capture and storage as well as management of compulsory stocks of oil and oil derivatives.
With the aim to further facilitate the energy transition in Croatia and utilize its extensive knowledge and expertise, the Agency has been additionally focusing on the development and promotion of new technologies (hydrogen) as well as renewable energy sources (geothermal energy, offshore wind).
In 2023, the Agency was assigned the role of the National Coordination Body for Hydrogen with the aim to provide technical support to the Ministry of Economy and other public bodies in programming, strategic planning, implementation and reporting regarding hydrogen deployment. The Agency also promotes the hydrogen ecosystems on various international events as well as participates and represents Croatia in various European and international initiatives (such as CHP, IPHE).
Website: Link
Expert: Vesna Kučan Polak (Linkedin)


Croatian Rectors’ Conference includes all rectors of public and private universities in the Republic of Croatia. The Rectors’ Conference considers issues of common interest for the work and development of universities, faculties and art academies in the Republic of Croatia.
The Rectors’ Conference is not involved in any hydrogen project, but several Croatian Universities and their Faculties are active in hydrogen technologies. University of Rijeka is a partner in NAHV and University of Rijeka’s Technical Faculty, University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, and University of Split’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture are affiliated partners.
Website: Link
Expert: Frano Barbir (Linkedin)


Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc. (HOPS) is the sole electricity transmission system operator in the Republic of Croatia, and the owner of the entire Croatian transmission network (400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV voltage levels), and has a license to carry out the energy activity of electricity transmission as a regulated public service.
HOPS is’nt currently involved in any hydrogen project, but the transmission power grid will be an important player of the hydrogen value chain in the future, with regard to the planned production of green hydrogen from surplus electricity from renewable energy sources, hydrogen storage and re-conversion into electricity.
Therefore, HOPS’s involvement in infrastructure planning, system operation, and market design is critical to enabling the large-scale production, transportation, and storage of hydrogen
Website: Link
Expert: Goran Levačić, (Linkedin)


H2-Hydrogen Cell Croatia is a NGO with more than fifty members among professors, PhD, engineers, entrepreneurs and industrial companies all involved in hydrogen production, storage, transport and consumption. The association is active in conferences and preparation of prefeasibility studies and projects for hydrogen production in Croatia. It is an active member of Hydrogen Europe on national level and has several projects in progress in Croatia.
H2-Hydrogen Cell Croatia is preparing the first Green Energy Expo in Zagreb, 3-4 Jun 25.
Website: Link
Expert: Ivica Jakic (President – Founder and President of H2-Hydrogen Cell Croatia) (Linkedin)


KONČAR Group is a regional leader in the fields of power engineering, urban mobility, renewable energy, and digital solutions, and one of Europe’s most influential high-tech manufacturers supporting green energy transition goals. As Croatia’s largest net exporter with references spanning over 130 global markets, and one of the country’s leading employers with more than 5,300 employees, KONČAR is a pillar of Croatian industry and a trendsetter in corporate governance and specialized high-tech niches.
The company is recognized for its premium custom-made products and solutions, developed from in-house expertise and proprietary products and solutions, standing globally as a synonym for quality, reliability, and innovation. Nearly two decades ago, as a pioneer in sustainable development, KONČAR became the first company in Croatia to independently develop and build its own wind power plant, Pometeno Brdo, with an installed capacity of 20 MW. To date, KONČAR has built four solar power plants in Croatia, and is currently constructing additional plants for various partners, including the largest solar plant in HEP’s (National energy company) portfolio, with a capacity of 13.5 MW.
Through substantial investment in R&D, particularly in ESG, KONČAR is actively engaged in commercial and research projects focused on hydrogen technologies. With a network of leading experts and extensive accumulated knowledge, KONČAR is a trusted partner for driving technological innovations in this field.
Website: Link
Expert: Mario Perić (Linkedin)


Plinacro is the Croatian gas transmission system operator and operates more than 2,500 km of transmission pipelines. The Republic of Croatia has a well-developed gas transmission and distribution system. The gas transmission system is connected to the regional and European gas system via the interconnections with Hungary and Slovenia, while through the LNG terminal and evacuation pipelines it is connected to the global LNG market, and it enables gas transmission towards the regional and European market.
Plinacro aims to remain an esteemed and leading infrastructural energy entity in the transmission business in the Republic of Croatia and an important strategic energy partner in the region and the European Union, which enables its users to meet their energy requirements in a transparent and socially and environmentally responsible manner. Utilization of hydrogen and decarbonization of the Croatian and regional gas market will enable Plinacro and other gas market players to remain important part of the future EU low carbon energy society
Website: Link
Expert: Robert Bošnjak (Assistant to the Member of the Board and Head of Strategic Development Business unit in Plinacro, Croatian gas TSO) – Branka Belamaric (Linkedin)


HiTES Holding GmbH is an innovative start-up based in Bavaria, founded in February 2021, that specializes in the planning, development and operation of hydrogen generation technologies.
The current project involves the production of hydrogen from biogenic waste materials (according to RED II) using hot steam reforming at 1200 °C without catalysts. This technology was extensively tested in a pilot plant between 2008 and 2014 and successfully completed with TRL 5. A scale-up to industrial demonstration level follows. The planned demo facility will be built from 2025 to 2028 and enables a hydrogen production of 400 kg/h with an annual production of up to 3,000 tons. In addition, we are researching groundbreaking projects such as purely thermal methane cracking, without catalyst, with our highly efficient high-temperature regenerators, the so-called pebble heaters. With our work and know-how, we want to advance sustainable and future-oriented technologies and actively shape the energy transition
Website: Link
Expert: Dragan Stevanović (Linkedin)


Confindustria Alto Adriatico (CAA), part of Confindustria national system, represents more than 1,400 companies in the provinces of Trieste, Pordenone and Gorizia. These companies are grouped into 14 product sectors and employ over 80,000 people in total.
As a member of the Joint Working Group of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV), CAA firmly believes in the potential of hydrogen. In the CAA vision, the strong acceleration of the Green Deal and European policies to combat climate change requires a rethinking of the entire energy paradigm and the exploitation of innovative technological options suitable for the decarbonisation of so-called “hard-to-abate” sectors, where direct electrification is not technically feasible or extremely expensive in financial terms. CAA see great potential for breakthrough technologies such as hydrogen in the decarbonization of energy sectors that today use natural gas, or in the transformation of mobility, especially for heavy sea transportation.
The development of a hydrogen market and the road to energy transition path will be long to achieve, but at the same time they will be able to act as a driving force for the economic growth of the NAHV area, great opportunities for investment, technological innovation and evolution of a competitive industrial system
Website: Link
Expert: Elisabetta Michieli (Linkedin)


Confindustria Udine represents over 800 companies in the province of Udine operating in the most innovative and strategic industrial sectors. The association is the point of reference for the manufacturing sector in Friuli, promoting dialogue with public authorities and social partners to create favorable conditions for industrial development. Our members include not only companies that use hydrogen in their production processes, but also companies that develop advanced components and conduct research in the hydrogen sector.
Our activity focuses on accompanying these realities in the energy transition, favoring the adoption of innovative and sustainable technologies, which are fundamental to increase competitiveness and face the challenges of the global market. Confindustria Udine is also committed to supporting strategic decisions at the territorial level on infrastructure, environment and services, ensuring that these favor industrial growth.
Our role is to represent a heritage of shared values and experience, available to businesses, to promote a vision oriented towards innovation and sustainable development of the industrial fabric of Friuli, particularly in the context of the transition to a low-carbon economy, in which hydrogen is a key element.
Website: Link
Expert: Franco Campagna (Linkedin)


Established in 2005, the Italian Hydrogen Association – H2IT, brings together large, medium and small companies, research centres, universities, technology clusters and local authorities that work in the hydrogen sector in Italy. It currently has more than 165 members representing the entire hydrogen value chain from production to end uses, including companies that deal with hydrogen logistics for its transport, distribution and storage, technology developers such as electrolysers and fuel cells manufacturers, companies that develop systems for the use of hydrogen in the sectors of mobility, residential, energy production and industry.
In addition to the dialogue with politics, H2IT continues its commitment on strengthening the national industrial value chain and is committed to the dissemination of hydrogen technologies through training and correct information actions aimed at Institutions and citizens.
The company has an extensive experience in executing and delivering hydrogen projects and turn key production.
Website: Link
Expert: Cristina Maggi (Linkedin)


mareFVG is the Maritime Technology Cluster of the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region, fostering innovation among all the actors of the quadruple helix. It gathers actors operating in the maritime sector, deeply involved in the decarbonisation process and increasingly oriented towards technological solutions based on the use of hydrogen.
mareFVG supports the FVG Region in the Vanguard Initiative in leading the H2 in Shipping demo-case. The cluster is also involved in Waterborne TP, the platform representing the interests of the European maritime sector, which – among its various committments – promotes innovation through zero-emission technology solutions in synergy with Hydrogen Europe.
In particular, mareFVG supports the development of an H2 ecosystem that brings together regional, national and international stakeholders to share knowledge, raise awareness and disseminate research and development results. Through workshops, events, sector studies and thanks to a solid and wide network, mareFVG promotes projects and adds value to innovative solutions related to H2-based technologies in maritime transport.
Website: Link
Expert: Roberta Padovan (Linkedin)


OMAL S.p.A. Società Benefit: founded in 1981, is an Italian manufacturer company specialised in pneumatic actuators and different types of industrial valves. We propose ourselves on the market as supplier of highly complex automation solutions, 100% in-house manufactured. We are committed to offering our customers durable, reliable and safe products, always with respect for the environment and social responsibilities. With over 40 years of experience in the design and production of valves and actuators, OMAL considers the environment’s respect an integral part of its technological development and corporate philosophy.
Hydrogen, as a sustainable vector, plays a key role in the energy transition. After a long R&D work, and thanks to our know-how accumulated over the years, we are able to offer a wide range of valves implemented for the entire hydrogen supply chain: from production to refuelling stations, via transport and storage.
Currently, the OMAL Group has 4 production plants in the province of Brescia and 2 foreign subsidiaries in Cincinnati (USA) and Bangkok (Thailand) with the aim of consolidating its presence in the international market.
Website: Link
Expert: Giorgio Nicolini (Linkedin)


SIAD is one of Italy’s leading chemical groups, with a 2023 turnover of more than 1 billion euros, 70,000 customers, 2,278 employees worldwide and operations in Europe and around the world, where it is active in the Industrial Gas, Engineering, Healthcare, Natural Gas and LPG sectors. SIAD is a leading Group in the production and marketing of the entire range of industrial, special, medical gases and related services, with a remarkably varied activity that extends to sectors in synergy with that of gases, such as healthcare.
Through its subsidiary Istrabenz Plini, the SIAD Group is also present in the LPG and natural gas markets; through other subsidiaries SIAD develops its activities in the engineering sector all over the world, with the design, manufacture and installation of systems for air fractionation, the conversion of biogas into biomethane and carbon dioxide purification plants, process compressors and industrial combustion plants.
With over 90 years of experience in the technical gases sector, SIAD Group has the technical skills and expertise necessary to operate hydrogen production and purification plants, hydrogen compression up to 550 bar and then deal with its distribution in cylinders, cylinder packs, cylinder wagons or through a hydrogen pipeline of about thirty kilometers, which represents a uniqueness in the Italian scene. SIAD can supply hydrogen compressors, hydrogen ready industrial burners and also CO2 capture and liquefaction systems connected to bioSMR.
Website: Link
Expert: Marco Possenelli (Linkedin)


Simplifhy SB Srl is a Lombardy-based high-tech innovative start-up that serves industrial clients, transportation operators and municipalities as a company with specific engineering expertise in hydrogen technologies.
The company provide a wide range of services such as market technology consulting on products and solutions, feasibility studies for hydrogen applications, specific Italian supply chain expertise, experience in building hydrogen plants in industrial settings, experience from energy and hydrogen partnerships (collaborations with PEM, Alkaline, AEM, small size Steam Reforming power generation providers), specific automation skills of complex systems, coupled with the use of IIOT technologies for process optimization and predictive maintenance.
The company has an extensive experience in executing and delivering hydrogen projects and turn key production.
Expert: Sergio Torriani (Linkedin)


The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), established in 1175, is one of the oldest universities in the world and is renowned for its high-quality teaching and research. It comprises 14 departments and offers a diverse array of academic programmes, serving over 26,000 students (approximately 1,500 international students). UNIMORE is strategically positioned in a dynamic economic area known for its automotive industry, as well as its strengths in agriculture and manufacturing. It is also a member of the European University Network UNIgreen, which focuses on sustainable development in education and research; Hydrogen Europe Research and H2IT.
The Interdepartmental Centre H2 MO.RE is dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary research and services related to hydrogen: production, storage, transport, and utilisation. It aims to facilitate collaboration among public and private entities while providing consultancy services to industries seeking to innovate in hydrogen technologies. With a team of over 100 researchers from diverse fields such as engineering, economics, law, and medicine, it addresses complex challenges through an integrated, multidisciplinary research approach.
The centre also engages in educational initiatives, seminars, and scientific publications to advance knowledge in the hydrogen sector. It is involved in a lot of projects as: Mama-Mea, HyAcademy, HyMantovalley and Ecosister.
Website: Link
Expert: prof. Marcello Romagnoli, a Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the University of the Republic of San Marino. He is the director of the H2 MO.RE Research Centre and a member of various scientific committees and associations. He has participated in numerous European projects and has published extensively in his field. (Linkedin)


The University of Udine (UNIUD), founded in 1978, is made up of eight departments offering a wide range of educational and research programs. The Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (DPIA) has aligned its curriculum with European carbon-neutral strategies by integrating hydrogen technology and decarbonisation in its Bachelor and Master degrees in Environmental, Industrial and Manufacturing Sustainability.
UNIUD has participated in international projects such as TeachHy (2018-2020, FCH-JU project no. 779730) and KicstartH2 (2022-2024, EIT-funded), collaborating with institutions such as the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences to provide professional training in renewable energy and hydrogen technologies.
DPIA’s cutting-edge research includes national projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research focused on the development of reversible solid oxide fuel cells operating with multiple fuels and to the development of catalysts for hydrogen production via ammonia decomposition. Under the MUR REACT-EU Italian program, UNIUD, in collaboration with local bodies such as Confindustria Udine, has undertaken projects to integrate hydrogen technologies into production chains for environmental and energy sustainability. Within the PNRR (Recovery and Resilience National Plan) framework, several projects are also developing materials and processes for sustainable hydrogen production and use.
Website: Link


Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Founded in 1948 Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences is today a leading institution for high-quality science in Serbia, a place where multidisciplinary approach to research is enabled by its internal organization and established practices. Fundamental and applied research at the Institute covers the following areas: physics, chemistry, biology, power engineering and technology, radiation and environmental protection, production of radiopharmaceuticals, accelerator science, and nanoscience.
CONVINCE – CENTER of EXCELLENCE for HYDROGEN and RENEWABLE ENERGY is part of the Institute. The activity of the Center is focused on the research of materials for hydrogen storage and renewable energy sources. The mission of the Center is to unify existing knowledge and experience in the field of investigating materials for energy applications through comprehensive and multidisciplinary research in order to apply and commercialize results.
Website: –
Expert: Jasmina Grbović Novaković (Linkedin)


IMP Promont, a leading Slovenian engineering company with roots dating back to 1947, is at the forefront of integrating hydrogen into the energy transition. Our expertise covers the design, construction, and integration of hydrogen production, storage, and distribution systems. We offer solutions that prioritize regulatory compliance, cost efficiency, and customer-specific needs, aiming to minimize hydrogen production and processing costs.
With extensive experience in high-pressure natural gas infrastructure, we are well-equipped to retrofit gas transmission pipelines for hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas blends, promoting grid flexibility and increased renewable energy use. We are committed to quality, innovation, and sustainability, serving as a key partner for the energy transition in Slovenia and beyond
Website: Link
Expert: Miha Trunkelj (Linkedin)


The Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region was established in 2006 by the municipalities of Velenje, Celje, Slovenj Gradec and the Public Utility Company Velenje. The core objective of the agency was to take over the energy management of local communities, encompassing a broad set of services, from organizational measures and awareness raising to the development of strategic documents and implementation of renewable energy and building energy renovation projects.
Today it provides a comprehensive set of consultancy and capacity development services and is active in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable mobility and innovation. The agency is actively engaged in the field of hydrogen deployment from 2017 when it participated in the regions and cities initiative of the FCH JU together with the municipality of Velenje coordinating the deployment project for hydrogen mobility in the Savinjsko-šaleška region which was part of JIVE2 before being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
KSSENA participates in several national and transnational hydrogen initiatives and is the national contact point for the European Hydrogen Observatory
Website: Link
Expert Niko Natek (Linkedin)


Goriška Local Energy Agency (GOLEA) is a nonprofit organization specializing in development, research, education, and consulting in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Its main goal is to promote sustainable development by improving energy efficiency and integrating renewable energy sources, enhancing local energy self-sufficiency, and strengthening resilience to climate and energy challenges.
With extensive experience in municipal energy planning, feasibility studies, and investment documentation, GOLEA supports community energy projects and sustainable energy solutions tailored to local needs and is also active in developing innovative renewable energy solutions and raising awareness of new technologies. As a key player in EU projects focused on energy transition and climate adaptation, GOLEA serves as a bridge between municipalities, local authorities, businesses, and research institutions. This role is crucial for successfully implementing hydrogen solutions, addressing challenges such as infrastructure gaps, fragmented knowledge, and limited institutional coordination. The agency aims to promote hydrogen technologies in the Primorska region, along with education and awareness initiatives on hydrogen use.
Website: Link
Expert: Marta Stopar, an expert in sustainable energy and climate change with many years of experience in the development and implementation of solutions for renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and sustainable energy planning. Marta has extensive experience in H2 technologies, having participated in the HYDROGEN Ecosystem North Adriatic Conference and contributed to the H2 READY project proposal. She has deepened her knowledge on hydrogen’s role in the energy transition through active involvement in discussions and project management and is keen to leverage her expertise to advance H2 technologies and sustainable energy solutions.


CS Automotive Cluster of Slovenia is a network of partners in the Slovenian engineering and manufacturing industries: metal working, mechanical, electrical and electronics, chemical, rubber, textile and transport equipment industries, as well as partners from IT, logistics and transport and research institutions in the supply chains that create and deliver products and services for the automotive industry. ACS provides support for its members to integrate into the global automotive industry and to improve the range of their products and services. It accelerates the efficiency of its members by providing adequate research and development and co-operating support.
Our competences are excellent networking, extensive information base, insight into strategic global trends, knowledge development, partnership relations with our members and close cooperation with government bodies and ministries.
Website: Link


Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor is one of the key development institutions in the region of Podravje, acting as a catalyst for the development of the respective area of 41 municipalities. The provision of its services in the thematic fields of regional development, entrepreneurship, and tourism is supported by the RDI sector, as a horizontal development force of the agency.
The sector for Research, Development and Innovation focuses on the acceleration of technology development, and the accumulation of knowledge in the region, through international collaboration with public and private partners in research, business and academia, and with a strong orientation to twin transition.
As a regional integrator, the Agency represents a focal point of key development projects serving the region, its businesses, citizens and other target groups, empowering them with new knowledge, and new development opportunities, thus paving the way to a higher-developed environment for all.
Website: Link
Expert: Tanja Senekovic (Linkedin)


The Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar (EIMV) is dedicated to advancing research, development, and innovation in electrical engineering, with a focus on renewable energy and sustainable solutions. Key activities include: Research and Development, Consulting and Engineering, Education and Training and International Collaboration.
EIMV ensures hydrogen technologies meet high safety and performance standards, facilitating their transition from prototypes to commercial deployment.
EIMV excels in electrical engineering research, focusing on energy systems and grid integration, essential for the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies. Their advanced testing, measurement, and certification capabilities ensure hydrogen systems meet high safety and performance standards, facilitating their transition from prototype to commercial deployment.
Expert: Igor Podbelšek (Linkedin)