Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydrogen

At the occasion of Science and Innovation Day between Italy and Slovenia, organised on 5th December 2023 in Aula Marconi of the National Research Council of Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR) in Rome, participants laerned more about the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) and the evolving cross-border ecosystem based on renewable hydrogen, which this initiative has been developing.

The event was hosted by the Italian Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini in the scope of a bilateral meeting with the Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Igor Papič.

Five joint research projects were presented which fall within the implementation of a recently signed Bilateral Agreement between Slovenian largest research Institute Jožef Stefan (JSI) and Italian National Research Council (CNR).

A brief overview of the cooperation between the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and the National Research Council (CNR) was presented by Boštjan Zalar, IJS Director and Giuseppe Colpani, CNR Director General. Presentations of the most relevant projects involving innovation actors from the Republic of Slovenia in the domain of energy, recyclable materials, the circular economy and space industry followed. The NAHV initiative is one of them, encompassing 37 partners from three countries, precisely, Croatia, Friuli-Venezia Giullia Autonomous Region of Italy, and Slovenia, which was presented by the C&D manager of the initiative, Jurij Giacomelli of META Circularity.

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